$921,776 for the Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont Foundation

The Events Are Back!

Éric Bujold, premier vice-président à la direction et cochef Entreprises et Gestion privée Membre du Bureau de la présidence de la Banque Nationale du Canada, Julie Desharnais, directrice générale de la Fondation de l’Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont, Jean-Philippe Beauvais, président du comité organisateur de Montréal Passion Vin, Catherine Dagenais, présidente et chef de la direction de la Société des alcools du Québec, Pierre Nelis, président du conseil d’administration de la Fondation de l’Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont, Jean-François Fortin-Verreault, président-directeur général du CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal.

Éric Bujold, Julie Desharnais, Jean-Philippe Beauvais, Catherine Dagenais, Pierre Nelis et Jean-François Fortin-Verreault

The Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont (HMR) is pleased to announce that its big week of signature events has raised $921,776. This amount will go to the Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont Cancer Care Centre expansion project.

It was a great reunion of the HMR Foundation family! The outpouring of generosity and solidarity from participants, volunteers, partners, producers and winemakers gave the initial impetus to this project, which will help improve the care provided to cancer patients in a concrete way and better meet the needs of this growing clientele.Julie Desharnais, FHMR Executive Director

Four Days, Three Outstanding Events

On June 8, the very first edition of Montréal Passion Gin kicked off a great week of tastings and gastronomy. Presented by the Côte des Saints Distillery, the event—founded on the commitment of a group of young professionals—enabled guests to broaden their palate. Tastings were led by columnist Patrick Désy and Dr. François Marquis, who is also a partner in the distillery.

Montréal Passion Gin, comité organisateur : Gabriel Bellomo, Sébastien Cusson, Jade Lavallée-Labossière, Mathieu Huot, Yann Desjardins

Gabriel Bellomo, Sébastien Cusson, Jade Lavallée-Labossière, Mathieu Huot, Yann Desjardins

Celebrations continued on June 9 with the 10th edition of À Votre Santé!, presented by CDPQ. Supported by an organizing committee of volunteer businesswomen, the event honoured the sparkling wines of the Champagne Taittinger house.

Comité organisateur À Votre Santé! : Julie Desharnais, Annie Bernard, Margaret Henri, Alexandra Velosa, Catherine Samson (CDPQ), Louise Roby, Louise Sanscartier, Johanne Desrochers, Evelyne Rousseau, Danielle Boulet, Josée Duhaime, Sandrine Bourlet (SAQ), Gwendoline Bonnet

À Votre Santé!: Julie Desharnais, Annie Bernard, Margaret Henri, Alexandra Velosa, Catherine Samson, Louise Roby, Louise Sanscartier, Johanne Desrochers, Evelyne Rousseau, Danielle Boulet, Josée Duhaime, Sandrine Bourlet et Gwendoline Bonnet.

Finally, the wine tastings and grand banquet of the 20th edition of Montréal Passion Vin, capped off the week. This event was presented by National Bank, Private Banking 1859. For this anniversary edition, the HMR Foundation and its guests welcomed Clovis TaittingerGaïa Gaja, Grégory Patriat and Eric Kohler, of the Champagne Taittinger, Gaja, Jean-Claude Boisset and Château Lafite Rothschild wineries, respectively. In front of a captivated audience, they shared their extensive knowledge with wine columnist Nadia Fournier and sommelier Véronique Rivest during the June 10th wine tastings. The winemakers later told the stories of their most outstanding bottles to host Sébastien Benoît, during the banquet on June 11th.

Montréal Passion Vin - Sébastien Benoit, Julie Desharnais, Jean-Philippe Beauvais, Dre Silvy Lachance, l'honorable Dominic LeBlanc, Catherine Dagenais, Pierre Nelis, Jean-François Fortin Verreault et Éric Bujold.

Sébastien Benoit, Julie Desharnais, Jean-Philippe Beauvais, Dr. Silvy Lachance, Dominic LeBlanc, Catherine Dagenais, Pierre Nelis, Jean-François Fortin Verreault et Éric Bujold.

Many thanks to our loyal presenting partner, the Société des alcools du Québec, for joining us at the À Votre Santé! event for the past 10 years and for its unflagging support since the beginning of Montreal Passion Vin.

Of note this year, when planning the event, the context required a redesigned edition, with only half of the usual number of guests.

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