Make a donation

Your donations help build healthy communities and bring hope to the patients of Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital.

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Monthly donation

Short description of donation lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Pharetra nulla nunc tristique nulla aliquet aliquam.

In memory donation

The donation in memory recalls the memory of a loved one and helps the patients of tomorrow to regain hope.

Planned giving

Planned giving is within your reach. There's no need to be old, wealthy, or childless.

Corporate donation

The solidarity of your organization contributes to transforming the future of care. Bouton : I want to donate

Multiyear donation

A multiyear donation is a commitment to donate on a quarterly or annual basis.

The benefits of making a donation

By giving, you not only do a good deed for others but also for yourself! Did you know that when combined, federal and provincial tax credits represent a 48 credit?

Couple à l'hôpital

Do you have questions?

Feel free to contact us with any questions regarding donations.

Make a donation