À Votre Santé! June 2022

June 9th, 2022
Image de présentation FHMR

À Votre Santé! June 2022

À Votre Santé! June 2022

À Votre Santé! celebrated its 10th anniversary!

For this anniversary edition, we raised $ 135 000 and discovered champagnes from the prestigious Taittinger winery. Thank you very much!



June 9th, 2022


Grand Quai de Montréal


You have some questions? Contact us!

Public Health Measures

The event will adjust to the regulations in force in June 2022.

The cause: the Together for the HMR Fund

The Together for the HMR Fund was established to provide Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont (HMR) with the resources needed to maintain excellence in care, research, and teaching, which are at the heart of the Hospital’s ability to deal with the pandemic and future challenges.

By giving, you are contributing to this Fund, which supports:

  • the acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment and technology.
  • the training of health care personal.
  • increased screening capacity.

A word from the Cochair of the organizing committee

Coprésidentes À Votre Santé! 2021 - Louise Roby, Johanne Desrochers

We have been looking forward to the moment when we could get together to celebrate life! It is FINALLY here! Join us for the 10th anniversary of the À Votre Santé! fundraising event. The pandemic has affected us all and it has shone a bright light on the extreme vulnerability of our hospital. By participating in our event, you will be contributing to the Together for the HMR Fund.

Together, let’s raise a glass to the Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont, to its teams and to its patients!

Johanne Desrochers, Gestionnaire, Aquaovo Experience Inc.

Louise Roby, FCPA auditrice, FCA, ASC, Associée, Mazars

2021 Organizing Committee Members

Kim Thomassin, Honorary President

, Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ)

Me Annie Bernard

Partner, Fasken

Gwendoline Bonnet

Project Manager, Directorate, Project Management and Business Development, Fonds de Solidarité FTQ

Danielle Boulet

Ariane de Warren

Brand & Marketing Director, Société des alcools du Québec

Josée Duhaime

Director, Major Industrial Sales, Énergir

Dr. Margaret Henri

Surgeon, Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont

Isabelle Pépin

Financial Planner, Investment & Retirement Planning, Royal Bank of Canada

Evelyne Rousseau

Executive Director, Pinard & Rousseau Construction

Louise Sanscartier

Board Director and Governance Advisor

Alexandra Velosa

Director, Sales and trading fixed income, CIBC Capital Markets

Learn more about the organizing committee

Become a Partner of the 10th edition

Let your company join the cause by becoming a À Votre Santé! donor partner.

There are several ways that you can show your support… Find the one that’s right for you!

See the Partnership Plan


Make a donation