Charity Challenge: Toolbox

April 20, 2024
Image de présentation FHMR

Charity Challenge: Toolbox

Charity Challenge: Toolbox

All you need for your fundraising to succeed

We know that raising money, even if it’s for a good cause, can be difficult. This is why the Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont Foundation is providing tips and sample documents to help you start, promote, and complete your fundraising.

Start the process with those around you

Raise $250 in three steps (diagram)


Leverage your social networks for your fundraising campaign

Show your FHMR Charity Challenge Colours

Spice up your Facebook page and posts by adding activity-related visuals, including a Foundation-designed cover photo

Add the link to your fundraising page to make it always accessible.

Pro tip!

Replace your profile picture with a photo of you training. It’s a great way to show how dedicated you are toward achieving your goal.

With all of these additions, your Facebook page will be totally in sync with the Challenge, which is coming up soon!

Add the Challenge hashtag to your posts to join the racing community and draw attention to the event and the Foundation. #CharityChallengeFHMR

Post to fundraise

Your social media networks can help you raise the level on your donations thermometer. There are a lot of reasons to post a message:

  • Mention your goal and the amount raised to date. Don’t forget to include the link to your fundraising page!
  • Boost your news feed by broadcasting your messages as videos.
  • Post a training update.
  • Count down the days until the Challenge.

Here are a few sample posts.

Pro tip!

Are you on several social media platforms? Be strategic!

Each platform will help you canvas different potential donors. For example:

  • Facebook for your friends and family
  • LinkedIn for your professional network

Don’t forget to tag the HMR Foundation. It will be a pleasure to share your content.

Post to say thank you

Your social media can help you do more than just canvassing.

Use it to thank your donors! Thank them by naming them in your posts.

If you’re not comfortable doing this, consider thanking them in person, over the phone, by sending a private message, a text, or an email.

Pro tip!

Did you receive a donation from a business? Thank the company by naming it in your social media posts!

It is a great way to give the business some free visibility.

It’s your birthday? Make the most of it!

Will you be celebrating your birthday between now and the Challenge? If so, you are extremely fortunate!

Take this opportunity to ask your family, friends, and colleagues to support your fundraising efforts in lieu of a gift.

Who would refuse to make you happy on your birthday?

Pro tip!

Use your social media to post a message making the connection between your birthday and your fundraising campaign! You will reach even more potential donors.

Don’t forget to insert the link to your fundraising page!


April 20, 2024


Parc Jean-Drapeau





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