À Votre Santé! 2020 raises $133 004 for the HMR

Photo de Patrice L'Écuyer, spokesperson for the Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont Foundation, and Dr. François Marquis, Chief of the Intensive Care Unit at Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital and Adjunct Professor at the Université de Montréal

The À Votre Santé! event was MC’d by Patrice L’Écuyer, spokesperson for the Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont Foundation, and featured Dr. François Marquis, Chief of the Intensive Care Unit at Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital and Adjunct Professor at the Université de Montréal

Held virtually, the 9th edition of the À Votre Santé! evening raised $133 004 net for the Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont.

Hosted by HMR spokesperson Patrice L’Écuyer, this edition of À Votre Santé! at home featured Dr. François Marquis, Head of the Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont Intensive Care Unit and Adjunct Professor at Université de Montréal, as well as COVID survivor François Quenot, who spent nearly three months in intensive care at the HMR. This highly appreciated talk was sponsored by National Bank Financial – Groupe Claveau Wealth Management.

I am very pleased to have contributed to the success of the À Votre Santé! event, created by my friend Dominique Michel to celebrate life. Together, we enable the HMR Foundation to meet the urgent needs of the Hospital, its teams and patients.Patrice L'Écuyer, HMR Foundation Spokesperson

A different, highly appreciated evening

Organized in Solotech’s studios, the virtual evening attracted 100 enthusiasts who had the opportunity to exchange with Dr. François Marquis and to win prizes from a fabulous CIBC auction, such as: a meal with Louis Vachon, President and CEO of National Bank; with Luc Ferrandez, former politician, now a columnist on the radio shows Puisqu’il faut se lever and Le Québec maintenant; or Raphael Jacob, researcher at the Raoul-Dandurand Chair in Strategic and Diplomatic Studies, university professor, author of the best-selling book Révolution Trump, and columnist on Le Québec maintenant; an excursion to Quebec City, including a meal at chef Daniel Vézina‘s restaurant; a trip to James Bay or Charlevoix; a private champagne tasting with renowned sommelier Véronique Rivest; an aperitif with Patrice L’Écuyer; rare vintages of champagnes, and much more. Many participants won bottles of champagne generously donated by Fasken.

Despite the challenging environment, our community and our partners answered the call. They showed incredible loyalty and generosity. On behalf of the Foundation, the HMR teams and patients, thank you!Pierre Nelis, Chairman of the Board of the HMR Foundation

Steadfast partners

The HMR Foundation is grateful to its two outstanding major donor partners, Québecor and the Société des alcools du Québec, and to the honorary co-chairs of the organizing committee for this 9th edition: Johanne Claveau, Portfolio Manager and Vice-President, National Bank Financial – Wealth Management, and Louise Roby, CPA Auditor, CA, ASC, Partner, Mazars.

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