HMR Earns Designation as Hematology-Oncology and Cellular Therapy University Institute

HMR désigné Institut universitaire en hémato-oncologie et en thérapie cellulaire

It is with great joy and gratitude that we share some very big news!

Today, the Minister of Health and Social Services, Danielle McCann, designated the Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont (HMR) as a Institut universitaire en hémato-oncologie et en thérapie cellulaire (Hematology-Oncology and Cellular Therapy University Institute). This designation gives the HMR, a member of Québec’s healthcare network, worldwide recognition for its cutting-edge clinical therapies, dynamic academic activities and for the expertise of its teams of doctors and researchers.

$35 million

This achievement is the result of decades of work and investments, of recruiting the top experts in the field and of ongoing financial support from the HMR Foundation and its donors. Thanks to everyone’s support and generosity, since 2008, the HMR Foundation has donated more than $35 million to accelerate the HMR’s research efforts in Hematology-Oncology and in cellular therapy, including major funding for the Centre of Excellence for Cellular Therapy.

By supporting the HMR Foundation over the past few years, you have contributed to this major recognition, which will have a significant impact on the improvement of patient care. The Institut universitaire en hémato-oncologie et en thérapie cellulaire will be a central hub for healing, discovery, teaching and commercialization, in addition to being a pole of innovation in Montréal’s east end. Influential on the national and international stages, the Institute will help:

  • Provide the best care in cutting-edge fields
  • Increase the number of patients cured
  • Translate scientific discoveries into clinical trials and new available therapies
  • Apply the benefits of cellular therapy to diseases that are incurable today.

Because good news never comes alone, the Minister of Economy and Innovation, Pierre Fitzgibbon, announced an investment of $4 million for the creation of the Unité de production de thérapie génique (Gene Therapy Manufacturing Facility). As a loyal partner of the HMR, the Foundation is very pleased to support this investment with its own donation of $1 million. These funds will be used to purchase equipment so that the HMR can provide patients with the most innovative and effective gene therapy.

Every breakthrough, every treatment and every donation helps to change the life of so many patients. Today, this news is proof positive that your generosity provides the HMR with the means to foster discoveries in Hematology-Oncology and cellular therapy.

Together, let’s rejoice at this great news and keep working toward our shared cause: The development of cellular therapy treatments to cure more patients even faster!

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