New Revolutionary Blood Cancer Treatment at the HMR

Dre Isabelle Fleury

HMR hematologist Dr. Isabelle Fleury. © CIUSSS-EMTL

Since October 9th, a groundbreaking blood cancer treatment has been available at the HMR. The institution has become the first centre in Canada to be able to cure adult patients suffering from this type of cancer.

The innovative hematological treatment (CAR-T cell) uses customized therapy that capitalizes on the patient’s own immune system. More specifically, CAR-T cell therapy consists of modifying certain cells, enabling them to find and destroy the cancer. For now, the treatment is only available to certain groups of patients who do not respond to traditional therapies.

Breakthroughs such as these are achieved namely thanks to your support! Indeed, through the generosity of its donors, the Foundation has provided more than $100,000 to support the work of our patient care and research teams, under the direction of HMR hematologist Dr. Isabelle Fleury!

You too can join the medical revolution that is happening here, at the HMR, by supporting the Foundation.


Read the media release from the CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal

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