Running for the HMR and Encouraging Healthy Lifestyles

Stéphanie Goupil coureuse de la Fondation HMR pour le Défi caritatif Banque Scotia

Stéphanie after her run.

Stéphanie Goupil, respiratory therapist at the Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont (HMR), braved the heat wave and ran a 5K for the HMR Foundation.

She ran in the streets near her home for the benefit of the Intensive Care Unit and the Coronary Unit, all as part of her ScotiaBank Charity Challenge virtual run. She shares with us her experience, her passion for running and above all, she encourages you to join her and take the Challenge!

Running to o Useful Work

I participated in the virtual race to encourage healthy lifestyles, to lead by example and to remind myself that I am fortunate to be healthy enough to do it, but above all to do useful work. By joining the HMR Intensive Care team, my fundraising will go to the sickest patients in the Hospital. Generally, they need physical rehabilitation after leaving this care unit. Who better to encourage them than the hospital staff who “walked the talk’ to take on a physical challenge?

Health prevention must take up more space in our daily lives. It’s as simple as starting with healthy lifestyles and avoiding physical inactivity.

I encourage you to do like me and take this challenge despite the circumstances!Stéphanie

The HMR Foundation thanks Stéphanie for her participation, her enthusiasm and for the funds she is raising by taking this Challenge.

> Encourage Stéphanie in her fundraising efforts

The ScotiaBank Charity Challenge Virtual Run

You too can join Stéphanie and participate in the virtual race by raising funds for your team. It’s easy!

  • Register now;
  • Raise funds for the team of your choice;
  • Run or walk, where and when you want.

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