Dedicated individuals

HMR Diabetes Day Centre


Dedicated individuals

HMR Diabetes Day Centre

Participants of the Scotiabank Charity Challenge

This year, for the very first time, Dr. Catherine Adam, Dr. Louis Bondaz, Stéphane Tardif and Nicolas Trudel, respectively endocrinologists and nurses at the HMR Diabetes Day Centre, are taking up the Scotiabank Charity Challenge. On April 28th, they will be ready at the starting line for the 21 km race. This energetic team is determined to succeed!

“Through our involvement, we hope to motivate patients to take care of themselves and adopt healthy life habits. As healthcare professionals, we have to set an example for them!” - Stéphane Tardif

They are meeting this challenge as a team!

“Although the challenge seems like a big one, we are having a lot of fun! We often go running together after work. It’s great for our team spirit. Stéphane is accustomed to running long distances. He pushes us to exceed our own expectations; he is a true captain!” - Dr. Louis Bondaz

Together, we hope to raise $2000 in donations to create a research fund for the Diabetes Day Centre.

“We intend to take part in this challenge for a few years in a row in order to raise as much money as possible!” - Dr. Louis Bondaz


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